Sunday, October 13, 2013

What kind of guitars did the Oak Ridge Boys use?

guitar quartet
 on California Guitar Quartet by Hannes
guitar quartet image


I have a signed ARIA 12 String guitar and I was wondering if there was any history connecting the guitar to the group. Did the Oak Ridge Boys ever use this guitar? Thanks.

Your question actually brings about more questions.
Who's signatures are actually on the guitar?
The Oak Ridge Quartet actually started in 1943.
The The Oak Ridge Boys that we know of today have been together since the early 70's.
Uhmm, I have so many questions and so much history on The Oaks that I can't begin to answer your question without a time period and more information...

Added info:: Indigo, I am Not the one that gave you a thumbs down.
I never give thumbs down.
Edited again:: Wendigo... Sorry for the misspelling.

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