Friday, June 21, 2013

How bad do Laminated Guitars get? should i save for a better guitar?

guitar godin
 on Godin Guitars
guitar godin image


im thinking about buying a taylor guitar on craigslist, it is the 214ce grand auditorium, but it buggs me that it is laminated.

a buddy of mine told me that laminated guitars start to sound really ugly after a while...

is this true? how bad does it get? should i save for a better guitar?

Ah the old Mexican made Plywood Taylor, never could understand the fascination with the Taylor logo on the headstock, although if done right there's nothing wrong with laminated woods, I just wouldn't pay 3 times as much on a Taylor logo for a guitar made in Mexico. Godin guitars developed a process for laminating tone woods years ago, still use it today in a lot of there Seagull line, only thing is all Seagull guitars are made in Canada using only North American tone woods, they don't outsourse there guitars to Mexico, Asia or India, however the Godin line does outsourse its solid body electric guitars to Berlin NH, USA, funny thing is that a Seagull logo will cost a lot less than a Taylor logo and the Seagull is a lot better guitar.

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