Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How can I fix my guitar amplifier after connecting a bass to it?

guitar amplifier
guitar amplifier image


I have a guitar amplifier and I connected a bass to it. I played with it for a few minuets then it turned off all of a sudden. I kept on switching the amplifier on and off, and nothing would happen. I was wondering if the amplifier can possibly be fixed or not. If it can, what do I do in order to fix it?

Thank you.

It's probable you blew the fuse. Small amps generally use a cartridge-type fuse that can be examined by unscrewing a (usually black) cap somewhere on the rear or occasionally the front panel. If the metal strip in the cartridge is discolored or burned through, replace it with an equivalent fuse.

You may have blown the fuse because something was out of whack with the wiring of the bass, so I wouldn't suggest plugging the bass back in unless its owner can confirm it's working properly. Instead, once you've replaced the fuse, test with a known-good instrument (e.g., your guitar). Normally, hooking a bass up to a guitar amp shouldn't cause catastrophic issues per se, though it's possible to blow a speaker cone if you turn the amp up too loud -- guitar amp speakers can have trouble absorbing the mechanical stress of playing low-frequency bass notes at high volume.

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