Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How do i use an interface with my guitar?

guitar interface
 on iRig iPhone Guitar Interface
guitar interface image


I know I plug it into the guitar part but how do I get distortion if im just putting the plug from da guitar into the interface? Is that how u do it?

There are three main ways. The first is playing through an amplifier and recording through a microphone connected to the interface.

Second is to run your guitar into pedals, effects processor, etc, and then direct into the interface (check your interface manual for correct connections and settings).

Third is to connect your guitar straight into the interface, which will send a dry clean signal, and then use any number of guitar plugins to add distortion and any other effects. Some of these would be Amplitube, Guitar Rig, Overloud TH2, etc., although there are also many free ones as well such as those from LePou plugins -

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