Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How do i find out what kind of guitar i have?

guitar inlay
 on Custom Dots 5 16
guitar inlay image

ty b

I have a jackson guitar that i bought from a friend and i've been looking for a few hours and cant find out what it is. Anyone help?
I wanna find out what model of jackson i have i know its a electric but i wanna know what model it is so i can get specs incase i want to sell it.

Jackson makes essentially 5 body styles with a few different types of neck and headstock configurations'
The RR model is the Randy Rhodes "swept V" style
The "dinky" is their classic "super strat" style
The kelly is a contoured "Explorer" style
The warrior is a X style
The PC1 is similar to the dinky but with more of a "strat" look
All models except the pc come with the standard Jackson headstock or reverse headstock and various types of shark tooth and dot inlays.

To find out the exact specific model than go to your local Jackson dealer or call the company and give them a description and the serial #

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