Thursday, May 2, 2013

How do I record my guitar from my amp to my computer?

guitar usb preamp
guitar usb preamp image

Sergeant W

I have a Line 6 Spider II 30 watt, and it has a line out for recording. The line is a 1/4 inch size, the same as any standard guitar lead jack. At the moment i've just been connecting my guitar to the computer with a 3.5mm to 1/4 inch cable, but the recording quality is HORRIBLE.

What kind of cable or equipment do I need to improve the quality of recording?

You have to get the signal variables, as PCs have a different power system (voltage step downs and frequency input, interference changes) as compared to the one from a standard instrument amp, to be compatible.

A direct line into the PC may work straight for just playing over the PC speakers, but to go through the OS and any on-board audio of the standard PC software, may need to be altered.

This is done either by getting 'studio' software that is designated for such instrument inputting or having to add an Audio Interface device (powered by USB), connected between the PC and for any instrument input as guitar or microphone. Even (some) accommodates analog decks as tapes and turntables.

Then, there is the joy (being sarcastic) of getting to learn the software involved to get it all in operating mode and discovering whether or not that this will work out. Not to mention, further downloading of any 'upgrading' or even some Internet relationship with the makers of these products, continued advertising or promotional material involved and even additional 'fees' for service in the future.

It will be a 50-50 proposition with this process. All short of getting some digital recording electronics that will be independent of the Internet as CD recording decks or mixer/preamp to really have a hands-on recording tool to get the job done.

So, it would be of your benefit to gather all the research that you can before going by 'virtual' systems through your PC and software/audio interface or... an actual, home set up to record and playback at your command.

Both methods can get rather costly and time consuming, but worth it in the end to get the results you are looking for and the quality of reproduction to be expected. Whatever will work out the best.

Good luck. And welcome to the world of home recording.

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