Friday, May 3, 2013

What are good gifts for a 13 year old girl?

guitar keychain
 on Guitar Hero III Guitar Keychain
guitar keychain image

Besides clothes, makeup, shoes, or gift cards.

My guy friend asked me what i wanted and I had no flipping idea.

Here are some of my interests: soccer, guitar, and drawing.

I don't want him to spend lots of money on it and I'm not sure what I want.

Any help?

A sketchpad? Good quality sketching pencils? The- Uh, drawing pad(?) that some artists use ._.;;. I'm not that good and don't have one and don't remember the name @.@;;.
Uhhh, a new soccer ball? Soccer keychain? 8D. My friend has a dark green badminton birdie keychain on her bag, lol xDD. Lol, you know, I have this little snowglobe thing, but it's water and glitter/confetti inside with a little model of a little girl and you tilt it and the little soccer ball will move around. I forget where I got it from and I'm pretty sure no one gave it to me (I have NO clue how I got it, but I have it o.o) and I think it's cute and still have it xD.
Hmm, does he know how to write a song? Lol, he could write a song for you to play? =) I have no idea since I don't play an instrument ^ ^;;.
A drawing of you possibly drawn by him ... ?? I don't know about this last one honestly o.o;;;;.

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