Monday, May 20, 2013

What is the best Guitar tab and Cord Progression?

guitar cord
 on Minor Seventh Guitar Chord Diagrams
guitar cord image


Hi i am looking for the best system to teach you guitar cord progression, and tab progression, i am not looking to learn any notes being that tabs replaces them just fine. I just want to knwo what the best system is for begginer to expert guitaring just evolving tabs and cords. I dont care if its a movie or a book but please send me the link =)

Seriously dude, learn the notes. Tabs are not a replacement. Knowing note names will make a HUGE difference in not only your knowledge of the instrument, but your playing as well. And good luck jamming with some guys not knowing notes. If you were in my band and I asked you what note you were just playing and you answered I don't know, you'd be packing your shyte and getting the hell out of my rehearsal space.

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