Friday, June 21, 2013

How long would it take to learn the acoustic guitar?should I teach myself?or get lessons?

guitar chair
 on Ben Gillies (drums ...
guitar chair image


I just want to play an instrument in my garden and at home as a hobby, lol-- what else?
It's been YEARS since I've played any instrument though.
However within a yr. ended up being 3rd chair clarinet in 3 counties, it was such a loooooooong time ago, wondering if I'd ever really be able to learn any instrument again???
cannot ignore my calling anymore just to "play" [something!!]
desperate musical calling.

I play guitar (Electric and Acoustic).I'm self taught. I started when i was six and know i'm 14 turning 15 soon. It's not hard once you get the hang of it.=)

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