Saturday, June 8, 2013

How much can you get for a used Ibanez RG550 electric guitar at a pawn shop?

guitar electric ibanez
 on Electric Guitars - Acoustic Guitars - Guitar Tabs
guitar electric ibanez image


My dad bought me a bright yellow Ibanez RG550 electric guitar used a while ago. I have the hard case with it, the whammy bar, and the pick for unscrewing the nuts on the neck. It is in pretty good condition but it is really, really old and you can see it has some wear on the neck from being played so much. There's no chips, scratches, etc. on it though. I've had it for a few years and I never play it so I want to sell it because I really need some money. Any idea on the rough estimate of how much money I could get for it?
I'm going to take it to a pawn shop to ask but I won't have a ride for a few more days so I was wondering what the rough estimate would be.

You are not going to get a decent deal from a pawnshop - that's about the worst way to sell a guitar. Google the model name to see what they're going for, then try craigslist or post notices on local bulletin boards, or put it on Ebay.

If the model is still being made, or was made within the last couple of years, a fair price for one in excellent condition would be about half the new price. A store would give you less than half of that.

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