Saturday, June 8, 2013

How can i can i set up this guitar stand?

guitar stand
 on Denon Sc-3900 CD Mp3 MIDI CONTROLLER - DISCO * DJ * P.A. EQUIPMENT ...
guitar stand image


Hi!, i have just bought the Black Metal Guitar Stand ( but i simply don't know how to set it so i need some simply steps to get it armed. I need this a lot thanks for your help.

Fascinating. I understand that you need help, and I just want you to know that it hurts very bad, and I'm holding back on a remarkable amount of sarcasm.

It has three legs. Fold them out so it stands up.

The bottom piece that cradles the butt of your guitar... Hold it parallel with the stand, stick the peg through the hole, then twist it and it'll settle into the position it needs to be in. It's supposed to be able to move so it can accommodate any style of guitar you put in it.

Adjust the top arm of it so that when your guitar is in the stand it feels stable. Lower is usually better, but make sure your guitar doesn't lean so far back that it whacks its head on something.

Aside from that, I don't know what you couldn't get. It's a very straightforward device. It's a stand. It... stands.

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