Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why does my 3rd string on my guitar always fall apart the quickest?

guitar quick licks
 on are not so quick yet to play those fast licks
guitar quick licks image

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I asked this question 3 times and all i got were G-string jokes hahas.

anyone know where can i get some good, durable acoustic guitar strings?
Hmm I do bend it a lot

It has nothing to do with the guitar. It is your playing and if you are always playing on the 3rd string or bending it, that will kill the strings eventually.
Many guitar players forget that their are 6 strings to a guitar and actuall only play on the first 3 and always have the same licks , over and over again.

Learn some new stuff dude. If you tend to wear out the G-string faster than other, it is because you are playing it more. Next time you buy strings, get phosphor bronze and but an extra 3rd string. when it gets shot, jsut change that one.

Buy 2 extra G's if you need to. and when you are finish playing, why not wipe the strings. You probably have too much acid in the body and that can kill any strings quickly. final note. Make sure the string is not too angled at the bridge. It should hav e anice smooth curve so the string can rest well on the bridge where the 3rd string goes over. Sometimes, it is too sharp and if you play close to the bridge, the string will snap.

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