Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to remove/replace knobs on a Les Paul?

guitar knobs gold
 on Knob Dual Control, Guitar Set Screw Gold
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Nunya Bidn

I have an Epiphone Les Paul Tribute Plus with push/pull gold speed knobs. I want to replace those with amber top hat bell knobs but I don't know which ones to buy. Do I need to buy knobs that are meant specifically for Les Pauls with push/pull pots or will any Les Paul knobs work? Also,are there any guitar stores that will do it for me?

I replaced the speed knobs on my LP Custom with amber top hats also and it looked great. You don't need special knobs for push/pull pots. I think the LP knobs just pull right off, no set screw.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to get a guitar with my name on it?

guitar fret stickers
 on Iron Cross (Metallic Type) Fretboard Markers Decals Guitar
guitar fret stickers image

billie jon


I really wanna get a guitar my my name written on it and not just get out a crappy ARGOS pen and write it on. Preferably an accoustic because electric guitars are a FORTUNE on their own!

I don't really want a little plate on it saying my name. I want it in big bold punk sorta writing!


You have a couple options. If you want it on the body you would need to find someone to make a custom sticker or to airbrush it on the body. Generally when I see a name on a guitar it is on the fret board and it is custom inlaid. This is quite expensive.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

classical/ flamenco guitar?

guitar yamaha c80
 on guitarra acustica la guitarra acustica es un tipo de guitarra con ...
guitar yamaha c80 image

Nick G

I have a yamaha c80 guitar and i was wondering since its a classical guitar, would it sound good if i put flamenco guitar strings on it and played that. Or is it just for classical music?

Everyones ears are tuned just a bit different when it comes to preferences. What might sound good to one might not sound good to another. However, this is YOUR guitar. It only matters what sounds good to you, and strings can be relatively inexpensive. Therefore, I would advise you to go ahead and try it. You may start a new trend, or you may waste 30 dollars.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

I need advice to make my bedroom reflect my interests (Reading and music)?

guitar vinyl decal
 on Guitar Rock Music Tribal Custom Vinyl Decals & Window Sticker
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I'm 19, but still live with my parents and have always decorated my room in ways that they liked. I've always had a simple bedspread, and very little to decorate my walls.

For example, we moved a few months ago, and my bedroom is probably 10' x12'. I currently have a white Leirvik bed frame from Ikea, covered with a white quilt that has a print of small blue flowers, a matching white nightstand, and 2 chest- of- drawers.

So, anyway, I adore books, mainly fantasy (like Lord of the Rings) and classic fiction (The Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice), and also some of the more modern fantasies like The Mortal Instruments, and The Inheritance Saga.

I also love music! My favorite band is Kamelot, which sort of reflects my love of fantasy. It is considered a metal band, but features operatic vocals. I suppose you could compare them to Queensrÿche, which is one of their more obvious influences. I also have a love for classical artists like Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi. I also like Hendrix, Led Zepplin, Cash, and of course Queensrÿche.

So I want to decorate my room to fit my two loves. I was thinking about painting one of my walls, or perhaps all 4. Another idea of mine is to involve pieces of song lyrics from my favorte artists or quotes from my favorite books somehow, possibly just painting them onto a canvas and hanging on my wall. Or perhaps there's a website or place like Kinko's where i can have them printed out like a poster, and cut it out and double-side-tape to my walls. Some ideas regarding this would be lovely.

Also, I had this idea to paint one of these lines from a song on the doors of my closet in glow in the dark paint, but it probably would look terrible during the day.

Another interest of mine is playing guitar. Right now my guitar stand holding my acoustic and electric is taking up a lot of valuable space in my small room, so i had the idea to hang them up on my wall. I need suggestions on how to hang them up, and what hardware to use.

So any ideas you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

I recommend looking into vinyl wall decals. They look great and won't leave any marks on your walls, I'm sure your parent would appreciate that. I suggest checking out You can see if you like any of the current designs or you can request a custom quote and email back and forth with a designer and they can create something you would want.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What's the best cheap guitar effects to buy?

guitar effects
 on ... features variable-speed playback, guitar effects and pitch-shifting
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I'm planning to save up for guitar effects but the big ones are so expensive. I've held such like the gt-8 and I really liked it. I don't have much money so I'm planning to buy the single pedals one by one. Any advice? I wish to know which ped to start with. I play experimental rock, post-hardcore or maybe jazz-fusion. Thanks!

Hello there,

A good basic distortion pedal should probably be your first pedal. The Boss DS-1 is a decent distortion pedal that does not cost an arm and a leg.


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Monday, December 2, 2013

Is there an easy,free and fast way to learn guitar chords?

guitar chords
 on ... chord should be played, then youcan redefine them and show the chord
guitar chords image


I want to learn guitar chords so I can play songs like I miss you(miley cyrus) and other stuff so i would appreciate it if u could help.

you could try these web sites:
or google images lol
and just in case you cant yet read tab:
oh and learn power chords:
good luck with it

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Can you convert a ps2 controller to xbox 360 and does it work?

guitar xbox 360 controller
 on games 150 xbox games en 129 xbox live arcade games
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My friend and I both have Guitar hero 2, I have it for PS2 and he has it for Xbox 360. Is there anyway to convert my controller to the Xbox 360? I looked online on ebay and found a PS2 to USB converter, and since the nonwireless form of a xbox 360 controller is a USB port would that work? If not, are there any other ways for me to convert so we can both play on his Xbox 360? Thank you for reading and any input would be greatly appreciated.

No. This is entirely impossible, unless you have an active working knowledge of Microsoft-required circuitry and can somehow add components to the guitar to make the Xbox Guide work, and fool the internal checks. That's about the long and short of it.

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