Friday, June 13, 2014

Guitar picking help??!!?


I just noticed that whenever i play, my pick scratches against my strings and it makes and awful clanging noise. i've heard others play, and it doesn't happen to them. it also happens when i stop my string from vibrating, u hear my hand hitting my strings. do i just have an over-sensitive amp, or it is something i'm doing? how do i stop it?

Match your guitar pick with the strings. If you are using super light gauge , don't use a 1.0mm pick or it will sound harsh. I use it sometimes but I know how NOT to apply to much pressure on the string. The best gague is around .60 to .75 for most strings.

You may also use economy picking which will help reduce the scratchy sound when playing. You will have to use the left hand more by using hammer-ons, pull-off which can emulate alternatie picking if done right.

Again, if you use a havier gauge string, use a heavier pick and vice - versa. Also, angle the pick so that it hits the string at a 45 deg. angle . This will help you pickup speed and cleanness.

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