Monday, May 20, 2013

Changing strings on electric guitar question?

guitar winder
 on Planet Waves Pro-Winder String Winder/Cutter
guitar winder image

Jose G

Okay so I'm going to be changing the strings on my guitar later this month and I'm going to just do it by hand without the guitar winder because you can do it without it. But anyways, just a quick question if there is slack before winding and I do not tighten it up will the string hit the fretboard because I think that is what I did wrong the first time.
Sorry I mean if there is slack won't it hit the fretboard?

If you have more than 3 complete rotations per tuning machine, than you started out with too much slack. What I do is tie one end of the string to the bridge, put the other end of the string in the tuning machine, put my thumb on the guitar between the neck and the bridge, and pull the string until it is pretty tight against my thumb, then I turn the tuning machine one rotation, pull out my thumb and then grab the string and pull it straight up with my hand. This stretches the string. Let go of the string and turn the tuning machine another full rotation. Stretch the string again. That should be enough stretching. Now wind up the tuning machine until the string is in tune.

If you hve more than 3 windings on the tuning machine, you started out with too much slack, so unwind the tuning machine, pull a bit more string through it, then wind it again until the string is in tune.

Also, change the strings one at a time. NEVER take off all the strings at once! You will wreck the neck.

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