Saturday, May 18, 2013

How can i fix the Bridge of My jackson guitar?

guitar jackson
 on jackson guitars 614942206875498940 Rare Charvel / Jackson Orange ...
guitar jackson image


Ok , the problem is, pushing the bridge up, I can pull the bridge down, Before something snapped, i could always push the bridge up. But now i cant. Usually when i push the bridge up the sound goes higher,but when you pull the bridge the sound, sounds lower, but if i were using tremolo i would push the tremolo down to make the sound lower. pls. reply . My Guitar is a Jackson dinky sunburst.

So basically when you try to push the bridge up, it lowers the sound. Very common problem. The snapping sound you heard was the springs detaching, or breaking off. Open up the back of your guitar, and you will see some springs there (In this case there may be springs, but one or two might be out of place, or not even attached). Simply hook up the spring to one end, and attach to the other (If the spring is on the guitar's left side, attach the spring to the left side of the Bridge, if it's in the middle, attach to to the middle, e.t.c.). It should be able to play after that. However, if you cannot attach the spring again, you may have broken the spring, and need a new one. If this is the case, you can just run down to your local music store, and ask them to order the part for you (Springs cost about $1.50 each, so they're cheap). If none of these are the case, there is no other option but to bring it to the repair shop. I'm assuming you don't know a whole lot about guitar terminology since you are asking this question, so DO NOT try to repair this yourself because you can damage the guitar instead of fixing it (And of course, no one wants that), unless it was one of the two possibilities I have just explained. If it's not one of the two possibilities, the repair should cost around $30. Hope this helps you out.

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