Saturday, May 4, 2013

What are the pros and cons of wood type in an electric guitar?

guitar godin
 on The Daily Guitar - Guitar News, Reviews, Inspiration & Tutorials
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Dave K

I notice that most (including Fender strat and tele and the various copies) are made with a maple neck.

The Godin LG I am looking at has a mahogany neck? What are the pros and/or cons of each type?

The wood that the actual neck is made of doesn't make much difference, but the fretboard material can. Maple is a very hard, dense wood that gives you a snappy, bright sound with good sustain. Many Fender guitars use solid maple necks, with maple fretboards. Mahogany is also very dense, but it's a much softer wood, and it sounds darker and usually smoother, with accentuated bass. It's not a common fretboard material, because it is relatively soft, and I wouldn't imagine it would stand up to the abuse of fretting well. It is a great wood for use in guitar bodies, though, and you'll find it in most Gibson models. Rosewood is a common fretboard material, which tends to sound much closer to mahogany than maple.

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