Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is better a Loop station guitar pedal or a New Guitar?

guitar loop pedal
 on ... Momentary Feedback Volume True Bypass Loop Looper Guitar Pedal | eBay
guitar loop pedal image


I have a piece-o-crap strat style guitar and im really good but my guitar is lagging majorly and now I think its time for a new guitar. I also am in a small band with my friends but they aren't really committed to practicing so a loop station pedal would help me alot with jamming by myself both guitar and pedal cost around same price what do you think I should go with?

Two things:

You need to have a guitar that you like the sound of. If you like what you are playing, you are much more likely to play it often. Find a versatile guitar that will allow you to play many styles of music as well. A Strat (though ubiquitous) or a Les Paul are great rounded guitars.

You need to be able to work out song ideas when you aren't around band mates. As such, a loop pedal with a long record time is best - you can record an entire song and layer over it to see if you like the final effect. I would go with the Line 6 JM4 Loop pedal. It gives you nearly a half hour of saved loops, plus effects, plus the ability to save the loops onto your computer for direct recording. I've recorded a few songs solo using this feature and audacity. I have the Line 6 Spider Jam which is basically the JM4 with a giant speaker, and I love it.

---What it comes down to:
You need a good sounding guitar first and foremost. "If you feed crap in, you'll get crap out" as the audiophiles say. As such, you can be the best guitarist in the world, but if you have a POS ax, you'll sound terrible.

The loop pedal is great for writing things solo, but it is NEVER a replacement for a band. If you can't find time to play with your band, find a new one. You'll become a much better guitarist much faster if you play with a good band than if you play by yourself.

--A bit of advice from an Ax Addict:
Don't ever get into the mindset of "If I buy this, I'll be a better musician/songwriter/melodist". You will be tempted to buy ALL kinds of effects from talk boxes to reverse reverb to "catch your vibe". But, you end up the same caliber of musician. The only difference is that you have sunk $250 to a pedal that is truly useless.

You only need a guitar to play good music, the effects are only to add novelty to your music.

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