Sunday, May 19, 2013

What is good to clean a electric guitar body and fretboard?

guitar oil
guitar oil image


What would be good to use besides actual guitar polish? What household stuff would work? I'm mainly trying to get finger prints and finger grease off the body, neck, and the gunk off my ebony fretboard on my Parker Guitar.

Once a year i use Formby's pure lemon oil on the necks of my guitars. With old strings on lay the guitar on its back on a table. Put a towel underneath the neck to catch the drips that fall, then squirt the oil on the neck making sure to get enough on to cover the entire fretboard. Let it sit for about 2 minutes then wipe the remaining oil off with a hand full of paper towels. The oil is good for your neck but its important to get the excess off as you don't want to let too much soak in but you have to put enough on so you get it on the entire fretboard. As you wipe off the remaining lemon oil it will also clean the neck of any grease or dirt. After about a week change the strings and your all set. You should also use the oil to clean the body, but only a little bit so you don't leave it greasy. For a regular neck cleaning i use a little windex sprayed on a wash rag then wipe the neck making sure to get in between each fret. Do not spray the windex on the neck, make sure you put it on the rag then wipe the neck. I do this when i'm putting on a fresh set of strings.

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