Saturday, June 1, 2013

I need to eat my chocolate before i play guitar to play good?

guitar jewelry
 on members.ebay.comGibson Explorer guitar
guitar jewelry image

Brandom Su

I need to eat chocolate before i play guitar cause when i eat chocolate before i play guitar i play very good no errors, but when i dont eat it i fail at chords and tabs..FAIL.
=( why?

PD: i think im addict to chocolate cause if i dont eat it atleast 1 time a week i start been crazy

mmmmmm...chocolate....oh, did you ask a question?
Unless you are allergic to the stuff, or if it's making you fat, I wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy your treat. The power of suggestion may be at play here as well as any physiological changes due to whatever is in the chocolate. Some performers have things like lucky socks, lucky underwear, jewelry, etc. You have chocolate.

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