Sunday, August 4, 2013

How do you change main wii motes without having the main one available?

guitar flash cards
 on Printable Lemonade-mouth-pics
guitar flash cards image


My dad took the main Wii mote to his gf's house, and I just got Guitar Hero. The other WIi mote I have just keeps flashing blue like 4x and does nothing. Is there a way that I can transfer the main on to be the one I have now without the actual main one?

you may just have to link the wii mote to the wii. open the battery pack and see the red button? well go to the wii and open the memory card slot. there should be a red button there too. press the red button on the wii then push the red button on your wii mote....
it might also be because your wii is off? it does that for mine when the wii is off

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