Thursday, August 8, 2013

What electric guitar would be best for me to buy?

guitar electric fender
 on ... Electric Guitar Maple 3 Colour Sunburst | Fender Electric Guitars
guitar electric fender image


I'm looking for a new guitar, electric to be exact. The maximum price I'll pay for it is around 450 euros/ 570 dollars.

I'm into rock, alternative, indie rock, funk and blues. I was thinking about a standard stratocaster but in my opinion they're quite expensive in the country I live in compared to the prices in the USA.

If you guys have any other suggestions, that would be amazing! Also, if you know a cheap but good amplifier that is also welcome! Thanks, I really appreciate it.

you can get a real fender strat student model, or a gibson/epiphone student model for not too many bucks. if you want to do the el cheapo, get a harmony guitar, or a used one.

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