Monday, August 19, 2013

What is a good channel for a wireless guitar system?

guitar wireless system
 on Nady UHF-4 Guitar Wireless System | GuitarCenter
guitar wireless system image


Im looking to buy but i don't know which channel i should order it on, any helpfulness please :)

yeah, the problem with some of the semi-pro wireless gear is the lack of channel switching, it's fixed to a certain frequency.

so, it depends on whether the guys in your band also have fixed frequency systems, because you each need your own frequency. obviously, if they do you'd get a unit with a different one. if they have a pro unit, it wouldn't matter, they could switch if your channel was the same as what they usually use.

if you're the first in the band it wouldn't matter (maybe till you join a band that already wireless), and you could choose any channel--there'd be no noticeable audio difference.

but, i will say this, perhaps consider a pro switchable wireless. once i was setting up to play in an amusement park with my semi pro fixed unit, and when i turned it on my guitar blasted through the entire park's wireless speaker system. it sounded cool (like playing electric in the grand canyon), but they weren't happy. i ended up hard-wired.

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