Sunday, May 19, 2013

Which electric acoustic guitar accessories should I buy?

guitar accessories acoustic
 on acoustic guitar package everything you need to play acoustic guitar
guitar accessories acoustic image


Ok, so I have never played guitar and I am taking lessons this semester to learn. I've played bass for about 7 years now, and I know the ins and outs of that but guitar is a foreign concept. I've decided on buying a fender acoustic electric starcaster, but I need to know what kind of straps, cords, and strings people that actually play use. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Strings: D'addario strings, any of them but try to get 9 gauge like these:

As for a strap, just get any old acoustic guitar strap for now.

You wont need anything yet though as your teacher will only be teaching you the basics. Just make sure you get a tuner and that your guitar has 6 strings :)

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