Saturday, July 20, 2013

How could school work and homework ever compete with video games? Any ideas?

guitar video game
 on guitar cat description cat playing a guitar share
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My son and his friends go after Halo 3 and Guitar Hero like they are mad scientists on the verge of a cure for cancer. They could stay up all night, skip meals, even turn down a trip to the mall, just to get to the next level on their video game. How can educators ever generate such enthusiasm and interest for academics? Who says academics have to be so boring? Who says we couldn’t merge the two (video games and academics)? How can we do it?


I kid, i kid, that game was terrible.

Video gaming and education are closer than a lot of teachers think. Complex video games can build reflexes, encourage complex problem solving (legend of zelda, anyone?) hand-eye co-ordination and many other skills.

Here's a thought : Teach what kids or students want to learn.

That's really down to the government, though.

So you're screwed.


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