Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How do I install an acoustic guitar BRIDGE?

guitar bridge
 on Need To Know The Parts of the Acoustic Guitar?
guitar bridge image

Michael H

I have an un-glued and un-drilled wooden acoustic guitar bridge. I have no idea where to put it or how to center it on my guitar body. I have looked all over google and cannot find one piece of information to help me with this. The scale length is 25.5 and the neck meets the body at the 14th fret. Thanks for the help!

Location of that bridge is critical.
The string support of the bridge must be precisly as far from the 12Th fret,
(1St harmonic point), as it is from the nut.
Put another way, that 12 th. fret is the center of the string length.
(Note that the bridge is somewhat slanted because the thickness,
[stiffness], of the strings affects the practical support location.)
My suggestion :'try it for tune' without glue and mark the position carefully first.
Use harmonic vs. fret to check the precise tuning.
At a minimum check on both 'E' strings.

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