Monday, July 15, 2013

Positioning of a guitar amp during practice and gigs?

guitar amp
 on Strat Wiring Diagram on Guitar 57 Twin Amp Schematic Wiring Diagram ...
guitar amp image


Hey guys,

I was just wondering how do you position a guitar amp during practice and gigs?

Are you supposed to be standing infront of the amp or behind it or does it even matter? Also to avoid any ear damage, which placement would be best?

Thanks a lot!

you should place everything strategically. ill give you the basic set up for my band.

Drums in the back of the room.
PA system is parallel with the drumset, facing in the same direction, but slanted slightly towards the center of the room
guitar amp 1 is on one side of the room, pointed towards the other side
bass amp is on the other side of the room, pointed towards the drummer. the bass is the most likely to be heard by everyone given its frequency, and the most important to be heard by the drummer
guitar amp 2 is across from the drummer.
microphones are in the middle of the room, pointed away from the drummer and thus away from the PA monitors.
you should stand facing your band mates (in practice) so you can make eye contact and communicate, and all amps should face where you can hear them over the drums.

for ear protection, play at a quieter volume or do what many pros do and i myself do (a former pro), use good earplugs. good earplugs can actually make hearing easier, because the noise will be less muddy and you will be able to hear all the instruments clearly. i highly recomend them.

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