Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What are some organizations that I can donate a broken electric guitar to?

guitar youth
 on It's About Time: Women by Giorgione - Giorgio Barbarelli from ...
guitar youth image


Hi all,

I have an electric guitar just sitting in my closet that I never play anymore and I am looking for an organization (preferably one that benefits music education or kids) to donate it to. Its broken, I think it needs a few new screws to hold the pick ups in place or something (im not exactly sure as I am not the one who broke it) but other than that it should be a perfectly good guitar. I did a google search, but the organizations I found were looking for money, not actual instruments. Any ideas?

If you know any local musicians, (guitar players?) he or she could possibly know of a young aspiring person wanting to learn how to play the guitar but simply does not have the money to buy one. And, he or she might even be able to repair the guitar as well.

How about "Big Brothers Big Sisters"? Surely they would accept the guitar and make sure it ends up in the hands of a youngster yearning to learn.

"Big Brothers Big Sisters" is the oldest, largest and most effective youth mentoring organization in the United States.


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