Friday, July 19, 2013

What type of scales does Django Reinhardt use?

guitar jazz
 on GUITAR CHORD PHOTOS by E.J. Gold. E.J. Gold is Gorebagg ...
guitar jazz image


I've been getting into some guitar jazz recently and i was wondering what type of scales Django uses. I know jazz is a ton of improvisation, so it would be very helpful. I would also like to know what the rhythm guitar play, but I'm guessing it's just seventh chords.

I'm not a guitarist but I love Django's music and know a little of his history. His chord sequences came about through a fire accident in his caravan when he was drunk. ( He was a French Gypsy ) and he lost two fingers on his left hand. It would pay to research Django Rhienhardt and Stephane Grapelli 'Hot Club de Paris' on the web. You will find him fascinating.

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