Friday, August 16, 2013

How do you make playing electric guitar standing up easier?

guitar stool
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Q. I have been playing guitar for about 1 and a half years, but I only really played sitting on my bed, now I'm trying to break the habit but I'm finding it really hard.
Does anyone have any suggestions on to make playing the guitar standing up easier.
I have a guitar strap.

I did the exact same thing and thought I'd never learn to play standing. All you can do is start practicing that way. It will be tough for a while but you'll get the hang of it. When I started jamming with my first band I was actually taking a stool with me to sit on. After a while I felt kinda stupid doing that so I just sucked it up and started playing standing. It took 2 or 3 weeks to get used to it though.

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