Friday, August 2, 2013

How should I organize these effect pedals?

guitar volume pedal
 on Digital Delay Fuzz-O Leveler Volume Phaser Screamer
guitar volume pedal image


I play guitar, and I am planning out my pedal board. I was wondering what order I should put these pedals in. Boss Chromatic tuner TU-3, Boss DS-1 Distortion, Boss MT-2 Metal Zone, Boss PS-6 Harmonizer, Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Signature Wah, Boss AC-3 Accoustic Simulator, and a volume pedal.

I have all of the same pedals, plus a few others. I always keep the Wah first in my chain, it sounds best to me before it hits any other effects (distortion). Wah effects the tone, its like turning your tone knob in your guitar really fast in each direction. I don't like when the wah effects the tone of the distortion... anyway, thats the way I always have it, but you can experiment. I also have the harmonizer before the other pedals. I like that when the harmonizer splits the signal, each signal will get the effect on it. Otherwise it can turn into a bit of a mess. Other than that... the rest of the stuff is really irrelvant. The reason why, all the other pedals would be used by themselves. You wouldnt have the AC-3 and MT-2 on at the same time. So, the other pedals would be in bypass mode. If you gig, Id recommend you get a line boost, line selector, chorus, reverb (if your amp doesnt have it), and a noise suppressor. I have some other stuff on my board like Digital Delay, Phaser, Rotovibe... but get what you need.
Good luck!

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