Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What guitar stand should I get for guitars with strange shapes?

guitar rack
 on electric guitar well earrings guitar storing guitar around it would
guitar rack image


I bought one recently that I thought would hold my dean dimebag and my bc rich warlock but it didnt it still held my jackson dinky and my fender strat but I need a guitar rack that holds about 7 guitars regardless of their shape i only have 4 guitars right now but I plan on getting more eventually and they'll mostly be bc rich so obviously I would need one that would hold bc rich's strange shapes

I assume you mean you've got some pointy flying-Vs or something. The only configuration I've ever seen for a seven-guitar stand is this kind...

Which seems like you could make it work, but maybe not. If not, I'd say you'd need separate stands where the instrument hangs by the neck rather than being held up from underneath, like this...

(That's a cheap one, they come much better around $30-40). The most elaborate of this system I've seen holds three instruments, so you'd need 2 or 3 of them for a collection of 6+ guitars.

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