Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What is the best way to get investors capitol for my new business?

guitar building
 on basic electric guitar circuits part 1 pickups basic electric guitar
guitar building image


I am starting a new guitar company with a niche market(metal-heads) and have several guitar building innovations that will be going into the product. As well as progressive style, Warfare Stringed Instruments will boast:

Innovative paint-less finishing resulting in a finish that is truly roadworthy.

Custom dimensions and options in the overall design of the guitar that will redefine what a truly custom guitar is.

An innovative manufacturing process that allows for on demand combinations of guitar necks and bodies.

And an entirely new way to assemble a guitar neck allowing for the addition of strengthening materials such as carbon-fiber or kevlar.

I have plenty of experience in marketing to get the word out about my product. As well as a robust web site outlining the literally hundreds of possibilities, a business image will be needed to establish Warfare Stringed Instruments amongst the heavy metal community. All of the marketing artwork will be done by myself.

You need to first research the term "Business Plan". What your future investors are going to want to know is that you can wisely invest their dough, to make your business grow and more importantly, pay them back with a healthy return on their investment.

It's going to pretty much be like a job interview. You will show them how far you have come with the little resources you have, and then you will have to sell yourself and the plan.

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