Thursday, August 1, 2013

How Many US Presidents Were Left Handed?

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guitar left handed image

Rob L

Historically speaking, is there an exact number? I know Obama, Clinton, Bush W., Ronald Regan, and I think Ford was. I'm a lefty as well and, unless I mention this group, most people (especially those not from the US) look down on it as if its a less desirable trait; especially with Japanese and some middle easterners.

Thing is, I do most other things right handed like play baseball. Writing, shooting a gun, and playing a guitar -- all left handed. Don't know if this is typical of all left handed ppl but it'd sure be nice to have a greater number of lefty's in this elite group just to silence the naysayers.

There is no exact number, sorry

The handedness of presidents of the United States is difficult to establish with any certainty before recent decades. During the 18th and 19th centuries left-handedness was considered a disability and teachers would make efforts to suppress it in their students. For this reason there are few concrete references to determine the handedness of presidents prior to the early 20th century. The first president to be described as left-handed was Herbert Hoover, though this has been disputed

Herbert Hoover Republican 1929–1933 Left-handed
Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic 1933–1945 Right-handed
Harry S. Truman Democratic 1945–1953 Left-handed
Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican 1953–1961 Right-handed
John F. Kennedy Democratic 1961–1963 Right-handed
Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic 1963–1969 Right-handed
Richard Nixon Republican 1969–1974 Right-handed
Gerald Ford Republican 1974–1977 Ambidextrous
Jimmy Carter Democratic 1977–1981 Right-handed
Ronald Reagan Republican 1981–1989 Ambidextrous
George H. W. Bush Republican 1989–1993 Left-handed
Bill Clinton Democratic 1993–2001 Left-handed
George W. Bush Republican 2001–2009 Right-handed
Barack Obama Democratic 2009–present Left-Handed

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