Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to get a white stain out caused by guitar polish out of a bass maple neck?

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 on Hand Painted Oil Painting Repro Edouard Manet Still Life w Guitar Hat ...
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I was cleaning my body of my bass guitar off, and I accidentally got some polish on the neck..So I tried scrubbing it off, and upon drying, it caused a white stain. I tried using lemon juice and water (Some sites recommended it) But it didn't do anything for it. Is there something that I can use to get it out, or will it go away on it's own? Thanks.

The correct cleaning agenst are Naptha or lighter fluid. If neither work, you may need to buff the neck a little. A high grit compound should be used like MaGuires polish (I may be spelling that wrong).
If you are referring to the fretboard, not the neck, you should be using something like lemon oil. You can use .0000 steel wool going along the grain of the wood. Only use this method if its a rosewood freboard. Don't use the steel wool on anywhere that there is lacquer.

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