Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where can I find a pattern for a guitar friendship bracelet?

guitar jewelry
 on MUSIC GIFTS: GUITAR: SIGNS: Guitar Scale Wall Chart, Guitar Poster ...
guitar jewelry image


I'd really like to find a pattern for a guitar friendship bracelet. However, I can't really understand the arrows so maybe step by step directions? Please and thank you :)

I never heard of this until seeing your Q. I found this site for you and hope it helps:

That link leads to actual guitar patterns available on the site. They have lots of others patterns as well as the guitar ones. The other tabs, as you can see, lead to videos and tutorials (both written and diagrams). I looked at them and they are very clear and easy to follow. You shouldn't have any problems if you take advantage of both the diagrams and videos. Videos link:

There are two kinds of diagrams, one black and white with arrows for the actual patterns, and the other, the one you should start with, is simple drawings of the different knots used. color coded so you can follow each string.

Once you learn how to make the knots and what the codes on the black and white instructions mean, you should be able to follow them.

I found several sites that use actual guitar string instead of fiber string for making these. How the color changes are done, I don't know. You'll have to figure some way to have at least two colors, otherwise the design won't show. Perhaps mix guitar string with colored, light weight and flexible wire from a craft store. The jewelry section should have gold to contrast with the dull silver of the guitar strings. I know I've seen other colored craft wires in other sections of the craft stores but don't remember where. One of the employees should be able to help you locate them. You could even just use the colored wires and forget the guitar strings. You still have the instrument design weaved and knotted into the completed bracelet. Or use fiber yarns, perhaps hand-embroidery floss...dozens of lovely colors, including metallics.

I do hope this site helps you with this craft project. I'm glad I came across this Q. My kids would love to wear these and I just know my daughter will have a ball making them. Have fun.

EDIT: What I meant by "I never heard of this" was the making the bracelets out of wire. Nor about this: Unfortunately, they never say just what the charity is.

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