Monday, April 29, 2013

how to understand guitar notes and tabs available in the net?

guitar notes
 on Chord chart for each of the 7 major keys with fingerings for the 1, 4 ...
guitar notes image


could anyone please explain to me about how to read and understand the guitar notes ?available in the net which is being given by many notable guitarists?

OK. This one is easy dude.
So, basic tab looks something like:

Now, each line is a string, with the first line being the first string (highest) and the last line being the sixth string (lowest). Each of the numbers are frets, the 1 being the first fret, (the closest to the head), 2 being the second fret, and so on and so on. Their are other symbols such as / or \ for slide up or slide down, respectively. H is for hammer-on and P is for pull off. * usually stands for harmonics, which is a whole different matter. There are many, many more symbols, but you can just look those up on the internet when you come across a new one. Now, a common problem with tablature as opposed to standard notation is that you can't tell how many counts to hold a note for. You'll have to listen to the song for the rhythm. I think this is a good answer. The question was oddly worded so I just did a lesson in Tablature. Also, you can get free tablature from either or Oh, as a closing note, tablature generally takes the place fo chords for finger pickin' songs. hope this helps!

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