Sunday, September 29, 2013

What beautiful guitar can I buy for 200 or less?

guitar decals
 on Package includes: Caution Hot & Kirk's Guitar Body Decal
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Music Is M

I really want an electric acoustic and I saw the most beautiful guitar, it was a luna fauna but it was in the 300 to 400 dollar range and I was wondering are there any beautiful guitars with designs and stuff for $200 or less. Must be an electric acoustic!

Very often, the more decorated the guitar, the worse it sounds. When designs are painted, inlayed, or stained into the wood, they dampen the tone of the wood, making it sound dark and dampened. Exotic woods (ie it doesn't look like the "traditional" wood) are also well known for distorted and poor tone.

You would be much better off to find a spruce top guitar for around $120-$200 at Guitar Center, or preferably at your locally owned guitar shop. There is one rule of thumb when buying an acoustic guitar: play it in person. Because guitars are made of wood, and every tree is different, every guitar will sound and play differently. It is important to find a guitar that sounds good to you and that you like to play. Do not ever buy a guitar online.

As for the "electro" part of you electro-acoustic: you want to find a guitar with good tone first and foremost. If the guitar you find doesn't have the electronics built into the guitar, there are inexpensive acoustic pickups that fit into your sound hole that cost around $40-75 depending on the model you choose. You can also install a system into your guitar for around $60 if you know what to buy.

Buying a guitar is like buying a car. The most important thing is that it runs right (no string buzz), with good gas mileage (your sustain), and the motor purrs nicely (your tone). After that, everything else are bells and whistles: NOS system (your electronics), paint job (your finish), decals (inlays, ect), and your shiny chrome bumper. Note that just because you have a shiny car with an awesome paint job doesn't guarantee that it runs well. ALWAYS start withe the basics first.

As for brands: most guitar companies make a few designer guitars. Take a trip to your local guitar shop to see which ones it carries. You will run into a few problems with pricing though: most of these guitars will cost you $400 or more. I wouldn't recommend buying an acoustic from Fender or Ibanez (great electrics, not acoustics), but most other companies should make fine guitars.

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